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Kishinchand Chellaram Law College

Accredited 'A' Grade by NAAC
Established in 1955. Permanently affiliated to the University of Mumbai
Approved under Section 2 (f) and 12 (B) of the UGC Act.
Recognised by Bar Council of India
ISO 9001 : 2015 (Quality Management System) Certified.

Kishinchand Chellaram Law College


Established in 1955. Permanently affiliated to the University of Mumbai
Approved under Section 2 (f) and 12 (B) of the UGC Act.

Code of Conduct

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  • Code of Conduct / Student
  1. Students shall abide by the general and special rules made by the College authorities with regard to the conduct of students, in and outside the College; and the decision of the College authorities shall be final. Parents and guardians are also presumed to have agreed to these rules when their wards join the College.

  2. Students should read the notices displayed on the College Notice Boards from time to time.

  3. Use of cell phones is strictly prohibited in the College premises. Students found using cell phones in the College premises are liable to be fined Rs. 500.

  4. No student shall refuse to establish or reveal his identity in the College premises.

  5. Smoking; consumption of alcoholic drinks, intoxicants and narcotic drugs; ragging and being in possession of any material deemed objectionable by the Principal of the College is strictly prohibited in the College premises.

  6. As per Supreme Court Order dated May 16, 2007 in University of Kerala V/s Council, Principals, Colleges of Kerala and Ors, if it is found that any student has indulged in ragging in the past or it is noticed that he indulges in ragging, he shall be expelled from the College and his admission cancelled.

  7. Students shall not do anything either inside or outside the College that will in any way interfere with its orderly administration and discipline.

  8. No society or association shall be formed in the College and no person will be invited to address a meeting without the prior permission of the Principal.

  9. No student shall collect any money or contribution for picnic, trip, educational visit, get-together, study notes, charity or for any other activity without the prior sanction of the Principal.

  10. No student shall communicate any information or write about matters dealing with the College administration to the Press.

  11. No student shall do an act, which tends to lower the public image of the College or its officers.

  12. Insubordination and unbecoming language or misconduct on the part of the student is sufficient reason for his suspension/dismissal.

  13. Making false statement or tampering with certificates and records, whether for seeking admission or securing any other benefit will entail punitive action.

  14. A student must not associate with any activity not authorized by the College Principal.

  15. If there is any change in the name (on account of marriage or otherwise), address or contact numbers of a student, it is the responsibility of the student/parent/guardian to immediately intimate, in writing, to the College office

  16. In case of illness, a student/parent/guardian must give application with medical certificate to the office.

  17. Conduct of a student in the class as well as in the premises of the College shall be such as will cause no disturbance to fellow students and other classes.

  18. Students must not loiter in the College premises while lectures are being engaged.

  19. Students are expected to take care of the College property and to help in keeping the premises clean and hygienic. Causing damage to the property of the College by disfiguring or writing on the walls, doors, fittings, etc. or breaking furniture or tearing posters, etc. is a breach of discipline; and the student found guilty shall be punished.

  20. The lost and found property should be deposited and claimed at the College office during the office hours.

  21. Students applying for certificates, testimonials, etc. and those requiring the signature of the Principal on any document should contact the College office at least two days in advance. No papers should be brought by the student directly to the Principal for his signature.

  22. No student is allowed to bring eatables and cold drinks in the classrooms, library or college premises.

  23. Students should come decently dressed to the College. Informal dresses will not be permitted in the College premises.

  24. Students while collecting any document/hall ticket/mark sheet, etc. should carefully examine the same; and in case of any error, bring it to the notice of the Office. If they fail to do so, the Office will not be responsible at a later stage.

  25. Students receiving Government or any other scholarship or any remission in fee, must note that the grant and continuance thereof are subject to good behavior, attendance, satisfactory progress at the College and University examinations.

  26. Matters not covered by the existing Rules rest at the absolute discretion of the Principal.

  27. In case of any dispute or difference that may arise between the student or his/her parents and the College or Management in the matter of admission, fees, refund of fees, transfer, etc, the appropriate court of law in Mumbai only will have jurisdiction to entertain the same.

  28. All admission are valid only for one academic year and are required to be renewed by an application in the prescribed form for every subsequent year of study in this college.

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