Visit the Digital Library of K. C. Law College
K. C. Law College Library is named after Late Diwan Gopaldas Jhamatmal Advani, one of the leading advocates of Sind. He was a scholar and writer of book titled ‘Arbitration and Specific Relief Act’. He was also connected with many Educational Institutions in Sind as well as in Mumbai.
The College Library is located in a spacious and airy hall on the fourth floor of the college building. It houses a valuable collection of law books, journals, reports, etc. Daily newspapers and magazines are also kept in the library.
The library has approximately 15000 print books and journals.
The library subscribes to three legal databases and one general database of e-books and e-journals in its collection.
It includes a rare and valuable collection of back files of case reporters for the second half of the 19th century. The library has maintained print AIR right from its first volume of the year1914.
The library also contains Moot Court memorials as guide to students.
There is a collection of biographies and writings of Indian and foreign legal stalwarts for inspirational reading.
Access to the library collection is through a catalogue which is computerized using SLIM software. Books are arranged subject wise and classified using the Dewey DecimalClassification Scheme.
From the Academic Year 2022-23 onwards, the library has acquired the EBC Reader e-Library, a database of e-books and e-journals published by Eastern Book Company. User accounts have been created for all students and teachers and all of them can access this collection remotely.
Lead Reader Award:
From the Academic Year 2022-23 onwards, the Library started awarding one student from each year with the “Lead Reader Award” which is given for optimum use of Library. The Library Committee and the Teachers considered the students’ attendance and general participation in addition to Library use while deciding the names of the awardees.
1. Reading: The library provides Reading room facility to the students and faculty.
2. Lending: The Lending section has prescribed textbooks and related material which is issued to students for a period of ten days at a time. Teachers can also avail of the lending facility and there is no limit to the number of books that can be borrowed by teachers. 3. Special Lending: The library goes out of the way and lends multiple books to students at a time in special cases or in case of students participating in various competitions outside college.
4. Special Information service: Assistance in locating relevant material for students participating in Inter-collegiate, national or international competitions.
5. Reference service is provided to faculty and to students doing research for various competitions like the Moot Court, Client Counselling, Debates, etc.
6. Current Awareness Service: Newspaper clippings of law related news are displayed on the notice board on a weekly basis and also are filed subject wise for reference.
7. Electronic resources: The library has acquired three legal databases namely AIR, Manupatra and EBC Reader e-Library. Together they provide computerized access to Supreme Court reports from 1950 and High Court reports from 1965 up to the latest judgments along with Privy Council cases from 1930 to 1950 and e-books. The Library also subscribes to the N-List database provided by INFLIBNET which is a collection of e-books and e-journals.
8. Internet: Students and teachers are provided with free Internet access for academic purposes. The library also has a blog at www.library where all library related issues are discussed and library activities are published from time to time.
9. Computerized catalogue: Catalogue search facility through Intranet. Catalogue is computerized using SLIM software.
10. Book Bank facility to students of reserved categories and other needy students.
During Lockdown, following new / modified services were provided:
11. Digital Library Website developed as a one-point access to the free and subscribed legal e-resources
12. Remote access to legal databases by sharing passwords on demand
13. Information service through e-mail
14. Online sessions on awareness and use of free legal resources were conducted for students and teachers
15. E-content created by college teachers was made accessible to students through the library section of the college website
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