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Kishinchand Chellaram Law College

Accredited 'A' Grade by NAAC
Established in 1955. Permanently affiliated to the University of Mumbai
Approved under Section 2 (f) and 12 (B) of the UGC Act.
Recognised by Bar Council of India
ISO 9001 : 2015 (Quality Management System) Certified.

Kishinchand Chellaram Law College


Established in 1955. Permanently affiliated to the University of Mumbai
Approved under Section 2 (f) and 12 (B) of the UGC Act.

Principal Message

Message from the Principal


Message from the Principal

I am delighted to welcome you to K. C. Law College, Mumbai. The College is set to achieve greater heights and leaves no stone unturned to ensure that you become thorough and committed legal professionals by providing best infrastructure, well equipped library and other facilities.

I believe that the potency of the College are its students. Generations of our students since the establishment of the K. C. Law College have strengthened its reputation.

Moreover, the students, teachers and the non-teaching staff are the three prominent pillars of the College. Building team work, sharing a common vision and working together would certainly make a perceptible difference in the growth of the College.

I, sincerely thank the management of the College i.e. Hyderabad (Sind) National Collegiate Board for its tremendous support and guidance to College without which the College would have not achieved this fame and status.

We are committed to our students with a strong foundation in Law, so that they emerge as professionals well versed in Law and its related areas. Lastly, the key to success is the young aspirants – ‘YOU’ who desires to join this College. The College strives to achieve its motto ‘Law is the King of Kings’ and to achieve it I wish all of you to be best lawyer citizen and through skills acquired contribute to the growth of legal system.

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